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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:19 am
by corn619
slowslow325 wrote:
AppleQueso wrote:
Legal issues are a big reason why this isn't happening.

I remember reading that we actually have the power now to do things like this, it all boils down to effort, really.

Homebrew emulators, plus I bet Sega could strike a deal with one of the existing companies.

Effort is kinda what he's saying. Developers really need to stop making bigger, and start making better.
Another problem is would there be a big enough market to make a profit. Not everyone appreciates old games like we do. I would imagine making the whole game library playable on a current gen system would be costly.

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:46 am
by Hatta
My prediction for next-gen gaming: more of the same.

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:50 am
by noiseredux
slowslow325 wrote:I always picture in my head Sony and Microsoft as straight lines. The next system they make seems to take the obvious choices, better graphics and more powerful hardware. If you think of innovations the 360 or PS3 made, what would you list? HD Graphics, More Powerful Hardware, Blu ray. I don't even consider those innovations. I just see that as the "next step".

Nintendo, on the other hand, I picture as a line with veers and zig zags. They don't just go straight, they try new things, and try their hardest NOT to go straight. DPad, Shoulder Buttons, Touch Screen, Microphone, Camera, Motion Control, 3D without glasses (yes, I know that's graphics, but that's not the "next step" in graphics"). That's where innovation comes from.

About the games getting bigger and bigger. That's obvious. It's going to happen. In order to fit in better gameplay, better graphics, better controls, better everything, you're going to need more space. The problem is, if the rate expands too much, developers realize they have extra space and stop being clever about it. The games start to become mediocre because the developers don't have limitations.

Limitations are a good thing.

"Anyone can make the simple complicated, creativity is making the complicated simple." - Charlie Mingus

this is the most cohesive and interesting post you've ever made!

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:23 am
by RBT
Lord_Santa wrote:I'd love to see someone take on the consoles, by creating a strict 2D console

shouldn't be too much of an effort, if you ask me

and it'd be hell of a lot cheaper than anything Microsoft or Sony throws at us

one can always dream, no?

I would love to see this happen.

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:06 pm
by Pulsar_t
You know what's the current REALLY MASSIVE limitation? Development costs!

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:04 pm
by J T
slowslow325 wrote:I always picture in my head Sony and Microsoft as straight lines. The next system they make seems to take the obvious choices, better graphics and more powerful hardware. If you think of innovations the 360 or PS3 made, what would you list? HD Graphics, More Powerful Hardware, Blu ray. I don't even consider those innovations. I just see that as the "next step".

Nintendo, on the other hand, I picture as a line with veers and zig zags. They don't just go straight, they try new things, and try their hardest NOT to go straight. DPad, Shoulder Buttons, Touch Screen, Microphone, Camera, Motion Control, 3D without glasses (yes, I know that's graphics, but that's not the "next step" in graphics"). That's where innovation comes from.

About the games getting bigger and bigger. That's obvious. It's going to happen. In order to fit in better gameplay, better graphics, better controls, better everything, you're going to need more space. The problem is, if the rate expands too much, developers realize they have extra space and stop being clever about it. The games start to become mediocre because the developers don't have limitations.

Limitations are a good thing.

"Anyone can make the simple complicated, creativity is making the complicated simple." - Charlie Mingus

Great post! I get so tired of companies pumping out generic crap with the lame old excuse of "that's what sells". Nintendo proves that while you shouldn't throw out what works, you still need to innovate to really succeed.

Also, bonus points for mentioning Mingus. Ah um.

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:09 am
by RCBH928
I don't know about you guys, but the games we have today are for the most part the same games we had in '96 but with better graphics and bigger levels.

The only real addition is online multiplayer, and if you ask me it was added on the expense of in-room multiplayer. I miss those.

Think about it, how much "different" is RE 1 and RE5 . Sure the game changed from adventure horror to shooter, but its basically the same thing.
How about Metal Gear?

You see what I mean? Its not like the huge difference in level design and graphics is not welcomed, but how about little bit of innovation?

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:45 am
by MrEco
It's not a definitive "more real = better games" or "less real = better games." It's just a subjective matter that only works on a person to person basis. It's physically impossible to say one will always be better than the other. I, personally, have room for both realistic graphically powerful huge games and unrealistic smaller games. I have no true preference and it really depends what mood I'm in for what game I play. In my opinion the next generation of consoles should focus on console stability (RRoD, YLoD etc...), reliable (As lag free as possible) online service, and better processing power (Yes for huger worlds and better graphics).

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:03 am
by Jrecee
Lord_Santa wrote:I'd love to see someone take on the consoles, by creating a strict 2D console

shouldn't be too much of an effort, if you ask me

and it'd be hell of a lot cheaper than anything Microsoft or Sony throws at us

one can always dream, no?

If I won the lottery today, I'd start work on a 2D game system tomorrow.

I honestly don't care much about new systems coming out at this point. Although I'm sure a new one will hit some time before 2015. Maybe the 360 will still be going by then (then again, Microsoft dropped the original like a rock when the 360 came out) but I'm sure the next Xbox will be out by 2013. I'd guess November 2012.

But with the massive costs, I'm not sure how much power developers really need. I think we're heading toward a point where we'll be getting a lot less games. There will be a bigger separation between retail and downloadable. Fewer developers will be able to create the big budget epics that consumers demand. There will be an oversaturation of downloadable content (which I typically won't even buy).

And what the hell is going on with Microsoft's Xbox Live Gold price increase? And I have to pay $60 to be able to access stuff like Netflix? I can use netflix for free on the wii or ps3, or any number of set top boxes and bluray players. That sort of thing really puts the 360 behind the PS3 as an all in one tv entertainment system, not to mention the lack of a bluray player. Years ago I would have said I don't care about watching movies on my game system...and really I still don't...but the market is heading that way. And when the wii is more easily accessible, you know you've got a problem.

*Oh, and I'm tired of these goddamn multiple skus. It's just annoying.

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:41 am
by Octopod
kingmohd84 wrote:
Think about it, how much "different" is RE 1 and RE5 . Sure the game changed from adventure horror to shooter, but its basically the same thing.

Eh, no. Not a like at all.