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Re: Pokemon Green

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:39 am
by lisalover1
Jrecee wrote:Wait, they've gotten to "Pokemon Amethyst", "Pokemon Beryllium Oxide", and "Pokemon Orangish Beige" but they never did "Pokemon Green"???

Which raises another question: Are Pokémon games really named after colors, or did they switch to names of gems partway through [and then came back with the next generation of games, apparently]?

Re: Pokemon Green

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:49 am
by Flake
The names of the television seasons are weirder still. I'm waiting for the Japanese to start co-opting defunct political party names.

"This fall, Join Ash and the Gang in 'Pokemon: Revenge of the Progressive Whig's Frontier'!"

Re: Pokemon Green

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:45 pm
by Bradtemple87
fake to my knowledge