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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:23 pm
by Beak
vash23n wrote:What ticks me off at the gym is all the old men walking around completely naked in the locker room. In my experience (and my wife says it's the same in the women's locker room) all of the young people who would probably be considered attractive don't do this. They undress, throw a towel around themselves, go to the shower, get dressed. The old people walk around and have conversations with each other and try to talk. I see them sitting in the sauna naked and one guy was even in the whirlpool like paddling around in there - all I can think of is ball soup. What's with old people!?

When I'm old, I'll probably not give a shit either.

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:23 pm
by Flak Beard
What Ticked Me Off: People bitching about Final Fantasy XIII.

What Made Me Smile: People bitching about FInal Fantasy XIII.

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:41 pm
by fastbilly1
Ticked me off? How about getting a call on work cellphone at 0500, then an emergency followup on my personal cellphone when I did not answer my work one – like a good stooge the work one was turned off and outside in my car, and it is a worried call center rep calling about some customer who called in threatening legal action if we couldn’t get her service back on. (he had to call my old boss to get my personal cellphone so already the chain began). So I go down to my computer and try to wake it up so I can VPN in and apparently it is dead (only five hours ago I used it). I dunno if it is an issue with the motherboard or the powersupply and I didn’t have time to check. I stop to get coffee at a Quiktrip (possibly the best gas station coffee) and almost get rear ended by some lady doing her makeup. Then when I get to my desk, around 0530 I find out the database I need is offline and wont be online for thirty minutes.

0600 rolls around and low and behold, the lady has never been installed (her address is actually out of our territory) and why she is calling my name I don’t know. I call her up and explain to her that she has a rivals service and she gives me this long story about how they wont service her and all this other bullshit. And when I tell her that I cannot help her regardless of her past with her current provider, she started threatening lawsuit and asked to talk to my manager. I give her my managers number and get started on the day – two hours early… When my manger gets in he is pissed because she called and woke up his new born and that caused the two year olds to wake up, and well you know how that goes.

So what it comes down to is I got up at 0500, after going to bed at 0100 (had to complete a chunk of General Knoxx and finish off Ned after a nasty yesterday). And the worst part about all of this, since I have a mandatory meeting at 1700, and I don’t get over time, I did all this for free… Yes yes, laws say differently, but work is work. To continue the awful part of this, I gotta be here all day tomorrow (but for pay) and Ive gotta ride out with one of my reps for most of the afternoon. So I havent really looked at anything but emails since around 1700 yesterday...

The thing that made me smile would be taking a break by pulling out the netbook, setting it in tate, and playing through a good chunk of Dodonpachi as my sales team came in and had no idea what I was doing. Then when one of the cute girls who works in one of the other departments walked by saw it and said that she didn’t know MAME worked that way. Oh that alone might have just made all of this worthwhile.

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:40 pm
by Bodmin
sevin0seven wrote:Smile: It's Friday and Payday! :D

Tick Off: I'm not a person who gets tick off easily. Life: "It is what it is".

was bout to post the same thing :D

and that its free agent friday in the NFL

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:00 pm
by winds
Smile: Got my first and new car this morning! It felt so great until I saw the first payment come out of my bank :D

Also, for Luke, that sucks about what happened to your wifes friend and baby. Actually a friend of mines brother went through the same thing almost. Although the baby survived which was a bit of a miracle. However for about 2 years after the brother/husband was heavily depressed and started getting into the booze. Those first years were absolutely rough, considering he should have been raising the baby. But now things are better and he's a terrific dad.

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:33 pm
by tcpballa93
Gettin' digits. :)

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:39 pm
by ieatramen
fastbilly1 wrote:Then when one of the cute girls who works in one of the other departments walked by saw it and said that she didn’t know MAME worked that way. Oh that alone might have just made all of this worthwhile.

I have never heard cute girl and MAME in the same sentence. Marry her. Quick.

My 1 year old daughter made smile. She does that pretty easily. Ticked me off...nothing yet. We'll see after a meeting i have with my boss whether i'll be ticked or not. hopefully not.

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:24 pm
Luke wrote:As some of you know, my wife lost a friend this week. She went into early labor, lost her baby, then died shortly there after.

That is really tragic. My deepest condolences.

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:03 pm
by sputnik
I'm happy because a lot of friends bought me beer today. It's my birthday. I'm mad drunk at 6:30 pm. I've had a good day so far, and I intend to keep drinking through the night.

What ticked me off today? Not much. :)

Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:14 pm
by bobbynewmarkiii
Kiss of Life: Awesome Judo session, making some good attacks and counters.

Kiss of Death: dislocated someone's shoulder!!