Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by nickfil »

i've had the japanese version on my wii for a good month or two.

All i can say is good fucking luck guys. This game is HARD.
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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by bobbynewmarkiii »

got this yesterday in the UK - it's cool


doesn't seem as hard as Contra 4... but yeah, it's hard.

It's full of explosions and action :)

Cool game...
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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by REPO Man »

Breetai wrote:You can rig it so your dial-up connection hooks up to a router (via an ethernet connection in your PC might be one way; look into different ways). Then either wireless to your Wii or buy an adapter to hook up your Wii with a cable.


Breetai wrote:10Mbps isn't decent. It's pretty f'n slow. Petition your city to get 1.0Gbps!!!!!! Consider getting a job in another city. :)

In order:

* It's their fastest available connection. Their slowest is less than a tenth fo that.
* It's not the city, it's the company. Embarq, BTW.
* There's no Food Lions in New York City, which is where I wanna move when I move out

Breetai wrote:New job time! I'm not saying it's easy, I'm just saying time for a career change.

Like I said, the job market is dead. The only way to make more is to clean cottages, and that's just a summer job. And totally not a one-person job, espec. if you don't have your own car. In case you're wondering, my mom does that for a living. She makes almost, but not quite, $500 in a single Saturday (she only works Saturdays). So... she basically makes almost TWICE as much as me in a single day (roughly 8-10 hours) than I do in a two-week pay period (a pay period is two weeks, and I roughly work 40 hours/week in the summer).

And I can't just quit my job. There is no room for a "career change" in my town. Not for me or anyone.

I make $9.50/hour and that's a lot in this town.

If you lived in this town, and knew that the only way to get broadband was either bottom-of-the-barrell cable internet or often-reliable/often-not high-speed DSL from the ONLY telephone service provider on the island, and dealt with having NO WAY to get hours at your job in the off-season cuz your place of work is either cutting hours left and right OR they flat-out closed until the tourists start coming, and dealing with asshole tourists and the threat of hurricanes, then you can tell me if you can:

* just magically change careers
* get a better-paying job
* move to a big city
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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by Breetai »

In order:

* It's their fastest available connection. Their slowest is less than a tenth fo that.
Satellite internet!!!
* It's not the city, it's the company. Embarq, BTW.
Get new internet providers!
* There's no Food Lions in New York City, which is where I wanna move when I move out
Seibu Lions?
that's just a summer job. And totally not a one-person job, espec. if you don't have your own car. In case you're wondering, my mom does that for a living. She makes almost, but not quite, $500 in a single Saturday (she only works Saturdays). So... she basically makes almost TWICE as much as me in a single day (roughly 8-10 hours) than I do in a two-week pay period (a pay period is two weeks, and I roughly work 40 hours/week in the summer).
Been there, done that, cleaned a few thousand fish and got a t-shirt (and a jacket). 18 hours a day, every day. Guiding on the side. Four summers. Northern Canada, for the win!

And I can't just quit my job. There is no room for a "career change" in my town. Not for me or anyone.
Why not? Sounds like you aren't married, have no kids and living with your mother. Go west, young man, go west. Or go north to the great white and work on the oil pipelines ($40/hour, give or take), northern diamond mines (F'loads an/hour, give or take), crap fishing boats from Alaska, etc. Tons of great money up north. Satellite internet is available!!!

I make $9.50/hour and that's a lot in this town.
Ouch. Super ouch! Get out of that town and don't look back. Get an education if you don't have one. I had to do both, since my small town was dying.
If you lived in this town, and knew that the only way to get broadband was either bottom-of-the-barrell cable internet or often-reliable/often-not high-speed DSL from the ONLY telephone service provider on the island, and dealt with having NO WAY to get hours at your job in the off-season cuz your place of work is either cutting hours left and right OR they flat-out closed until the tourists start coming, and dealing with asshole tourists and the threat of hurricanes...
Dude, listen to me. I'm also from a dead-beat town in the middle of nowhere. Good for vacations and not much else. GET OUT OF TOWN.

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...then you can tell me if you can:
* just magically change careers
* get a better-paying job
* move to a big city
I'm sure as hell telling you to do just that. Stop wallowing around at your parent's house. Get a degree if you don't have one (student loans work, I did that) and get out! Or, like I said, there's TONS of blue collar work up north if you're got the balls. Have you honestly never looked into this stuff??? Mad Dog and Lance in Contra have balls. Even ninjas have balls. REAL ULTIMATE BALLS. Looks at this website if you don't believe me:
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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by manaman »


To play Devil's advocate, maybe he wants to stay in that town and maybe there are some good reasons for that which we aren't privy to. Just because a town has low paying jobs and no good Internet providers doesn't mean it's dead to the world.

But, I'm just sayin' is all,

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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by Breetai »

manaman wrote:Hmmm,

To play Devil's advocate, maybe he wants to stay in that town and maybe there are some good reasons for that which we aren't privy to. Just because a town has low paying jobs and no good Internet providers doesn't mean it's dead to the world.

But, I'm just sayin' is all,

Eh, I've had a few drinks and I'm on a role. I'm pretty sure my advice is solid, other than having a total lack of information here. This guy could be 17 years old or 37. Might have no chance of finishing high school or a live-in-parent's-basement-with-a-master's degree kind of guy. No idea.
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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by Limewater »

REPO Man wrote:* There's no Food Lions in New York City, which is where I wanna move when I move out

Dude, I'm not going to tell you to change your life or get all judgmental or anything, but I've really got to know the issue with the above.

The lack of Food Lions in New York City is keeping you at home? Was that a joke, or is there a serious reason? If the Food Lion thing is serious, can you share an explanation? If not, that's fine, but I'm really, really curious.

It's none of my business, but I would not recommend moving to New York City, by the way. Cost of living there is sky-high. As a blue-collar worker, you can do a lot better further south right now, imo.

But regardless, good luck!
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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by REPO Man »

Breetai wrote:Satellite internet!!![/quote[

Most satellite internet providers, from what I hear, don't work that well. And besides, a land line won't get fucked up by a storm, unlike my DirecTV.

Breetai wrote:Get new internet providers!

They're actually the best on in the area. Damn near everyone else is too slow. There's no way to "get new internet providers", cuz there aren't any others... at least none worth relying on.

Breetai wrote:Seibu Lions?

They're located in only about 11 states, but they're owned by the Delhaize corporation, based on in Belgium. There's also many sister stores, like Bottom Dollar, Harvey's, and Reids. Look 'em up on Wikipedia.

Breetai wrote:Why not? Sounds like you aren't married, have no kids and living with your mother. Go west, young man, go west. Or go north to the great white and work on the oil pipelines ($40/hour, give or take), northern diamond mines (F'loads an/hour, give or take), crap fishing boats from Alaska, etc. Tons of great money up north. Satellite internet is available!!!

Umm... no. I am not working for a pipeline. Or in a mine. And I despise fishing. The last one is big in my town and I detest it. And Alaska is too north.

Breetai wrote:Ouch. Super ouch! Get out of that town and don't look back. Get an education if you don't have one. I had to do both, since my small town was dying.

So in bigger cities, $9.50/hr is nothing? So New York City has better-paying jobs?

Dude, listen to me. I'm also from a dead-beat town in the middle of nowhere. Good for vacations and not much else. GET OUT OF TOWN.

Code: Select all

...then you can tell me if you can:
* just magically change careers
* get a better-paying job
* move to a big city
I'm sure as hell telling you to do just that. Stop wallowing around at your parent's house. Get a degree if you don't have one (student loans work, I did that) and get out! Or, like I said, there's TONS of blue collar work up north if you're got the balls. Have you honestly never looked into this stuff???[/quote]

Actually, I wanna move to New York and maybe take a filmmaking course. But I also wanna work as a writer for SNL. Here's a bit I came up with on the spot, in the style of Weekend Update:

Scientists have begun work on a new type of hard drive that holds up to 500 Gigabytes in a device the size of a matchbox. Yeah, since more room to hold illegally downloaded movies and porn is much more important than curing cancer.

Actor Zac Efron has been tapped to play the role of Fiyero in next year's production of the Broadway musical Wicked. In a related story, Zac Efron is an actor now, apparently.

Not my A-game, mind you.

But it's mostly just to build a rapport with individuals in the entertainment industry.

Limewater wrote:
REPO Man wrote:* There's no Food Lions in New York City, which is where I wanna move when I move out

Dude, I'm not going to tell you to change your life or get all judgmental or anything, but I've really got to know the issue with the above.

The lack of Food Lions in New York City is keeping you at home? Was that a joke, or is there a serious reason? If the Food Lion thing is serious, can you share an explanation? If not, that's fine, but I'm really, really curious.

It's none of my business, but I would not recommend moving to New York City, by the way. Cost of living there is sky-high. As a blue-collar worker, you can do a lot better further south right now, imo.

But regardless, good luck!

For one, as an employee, I can get transferred to another location if I have to move.

And that's not what is keeping me in this town. No license, car or money is what's keeping me here.

And if there was a location in NYC, then I'd have a guaranteed job waiting for me, so I don't have to do as much job hunting. It would only last until something better comes along.

And if I go DEEPER into the south, then I'd end up STAYING in the south. And I absolutely FUCKING HATE the south.

And my mom tried to scare me with tales of violent crimes and the possibility of getting killed to keep me from moving to New York City. Odd, since a parent should ENCOURAGE a child to better things, not DISCOURAGE. So... if drugs, rape, muggings, and even getting killed won't keep me away, then money wouldn't even faze me.

I already know that I'll need at least 3-4 months of rent upfront when getting a place (first month, last month, deposit), plus another couple hundred to last me until I get on my feet. And that the amount of monthly rent should correlate to your income at your job. And I plan on getting roommates, but I know that there's a chance that I may have to live alone and therefore pay the rent and bills. Sure, my food budget will be stretched so tight it makes a trampoline look like a slinky. And sure, I won't be able to go out. But I already know how to buy my own groceries (I figure $120-140/2-week period down here would bloat to about +$30-60), and I would most likely be working two jobs, so much place will just be a place to sleep, eat and shower.

With millions in NYC making it work every day, I know there's at least a chance.
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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by bobbynewmarkiii »


this new contra is pretty sweet. Get it, regardless of internet connection.
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Re: Contra Rebirth Coming to WiiWare Next Week!

Post by manaman »

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