Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by Michi »

Awesome house, noise! I hope you told your wife that the Racketboy horror thread approves.

(pronounced Ko-low-bus)


This may be one of the most deceptive covers I’ve ever come across. Take a look at that thing: Pale, yellow eyed woman, stringy hair, strange lizard-like thing in the background. You want to know what part of that is actually in the movie? None of it. The closest thing the movie has to a lizard is one characters’ slimy pick-up line and, unless she’s in the background somewhere, I don’t think that woman is even in the damn film. That cover basically suggests that it’s going to be some sort of monster movie when, really, it’s anything but.

The story of Kolobos focuses on quiet, kinda dowdy artist, Kyra, first as she stumbles, bloody, through the streets of town (before getting hit by a car), and then later at a hospital. There, the doctors can get her to only utter only one word: Kolobos. As Kyra begins to recover, the film flashes back to the events that led up to her injuries.

Kyra and four new acquaintances answer an ad in the newspaper looking for potential participants (“freeloaders”) in some sort of documentary style experiment that will film all of their interactions while living together. So, it’s basically The Real World before all that crap got popular. What Kyra’s fellow lodgers don’t know is that she has some documented mental issues that she’s been working through and even has some medication for them. But whatever specter she may have hovering over her mental state seems rather mute when the posh residence they’re staying in goes into lock-down mode, trapping them inside with a bunch of laser tripped booby traps and a dark, faceless figure that seems intent on killing them one by one.

This is a great way to freak out any busybody neighbors you may have living across the street.

One of the first things I noticed about Kolobos when I pulled the tape out of the sleeve was that it was already partially played. You know those old stickers that used to say, “Be kind. Rewind.”? Well, they hadn’t. And I found it weird, not because I hadn’t seen that before (it happens all the time with tapes), but because the last viewer stopped it about ¼ to 1/3 of the way through. I thought, “What an odd point to stop.” But after I popped the tape in I quickly realized why they’d chosen to do so, because the first fourth or so of the movie drags. And when I say it drags, I mean it draaaaaaaags. The first part of the movie switches between the first person perspective of Kyra while she stumbles through the streets and lies around in the hospital, and a more docu-style viewpoint as the other, future members of the house give interviews.

The vapid characters, horrible wooden acting and terrible pacing of the entire first segment almost had me turning off the tape myself. Yes it was painful, but if a movie is going to suck than I’m going to watch the whole thing so I can give you a step-by-step of why it sucks and you can avoid such pain (the things I go through for you people). So color me surprised when the viewpoint changed yet again, to a traditional third person perspective, and the movie proper kicked into gear.

Holy hell, there’s the plot! Thank God!

Once everyone’s settled into the house the whole film picks up. The characters actually have some interesting interactions, despite most of them being annoying, petty, and horribly self-centered. That said, they’re not too horribly unlikable and their faults add a little bit more to what you’d normally see in the characterization of your typical horror movie victim. There is also a certain level of self mockery to them as well, adding a bit of humor, so any time they get too full of themselves the movie makes sure to knock them back down a peg. It’s a nice way of making them more human and slightly less annoying. Not that it’s a good idea for you to get attached to anyone in a slasher.

Since they all spaz out and die on you in the first hour, the little bastards.

One of the things that I thought made Kolobos stand out a bit from other films of its ilk is Kyra. During the movie we find out that Kyra as some sort of unspecified mental illness that causes her to hallucinate. This adds a whole level of “what the hell am I looking at” since no one can be sure if it’s actually something going on in the house, or if it’s just some part of Kyra’s delusions.

Then, once things start to really hit the fan and her roomies find out about her mental illness and discover some of her unsettling drawings, there’s the other question of whether or not she’s somehow involved with what’s going on or if her housemates are using their new found knowledge to use her as a convenient scapegoat. Either way, the gruesome artwork and disorientating imagery adds some unexpected surrealism to the events and makes it more interesting.




Once the blood starts flowing in Kolobos no one is safe and the deaths themselves are pretty gruesome. There are projectile buzz saws hidden around the house, acid-spewing water taps and claws that reach out of the damn walls. One of the deaths in particular, which involves an eyeball and a deer antler, is not only a little uncomfortable, but also harkens back to Italian cinema.

Depending on your viewpoint, you could also replace
“harkens” with “ripped-off.”

In fact, the filmmaker paid homage to a lot of the greats that came before in various ways. Kolobos opening theme is so close to Susperia’s that it’s almost an exact copy. Though, admittedly, the added bonus of a creepy children’s choir in the background is a nice touch.

Despite it’s awkward beginning and my initial urge to turn the damn thing off, Kolobos ended up being pretty entertaining. The deaths were pretty grisly, the visuals were intriguing and it was fun noticing the influences of other movies. I’ve since read that the beginning and ending of the movie may have been late additions, added to the films when the filmmakers grossly overestimated the films run time. This would make sense to me, as it explains the films very uneven pacing and why the ‘meat’ of the movie feels more complete than the beginning. But though the opening might be lackluster, it does have a rather fitting (though slightly ambiguous) ending. So if you have the patience to get past the slow start, there’s actually some fun to be had here.

Just don’t expect any lizard creatures. If you do there will be much disappointment.

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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by noiseredux »

The fake spiderweb stuff you buy to stretch as decorations in your house/yard.

Michi, never heard of it but looks creepy as hell.
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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by Ghudda »

noiseredux wrote:The fake spiderweb stuff you buy to stretch as decorations in your house/yard.

Nice crafts coming from the wife, noise. I dig the vegetation protruding through the walls inside the house. Nice/creepy details all around.

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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by noiseredux »

Ghudda wrote:Nice crafts coming from the wife, noise. I dig the vegetation protruding through the walls inside the house. Nice/creepy details all around.

thx dood. Not even sure where the vegetation came from. She did a good job making it look dirty/trashed, for sure.

We played some games tonight...

First, Atmosfear. (on VHS!)


Then a bit of Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night... or rather she played and I watched.

Then we loaded up Goosebumps on PC, but after a while it started to get weird visual defects, and I didn't wanna mess w/ configs too long so we loaded up this other game called Murder In The Abbey that she found at a yard sale. It was a really slow, boring point-n-click that we both couldn't get into.

Then we fired up a couple DVD's



...both October staples round here.
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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by Michi »

noiseredux wrote:Michi, never heard of it but looks creepy as hell.

Yeah, I'd never heard of it either, but it ended up being pretty creepy once I got through the beginning. I actually found a lot of old horror VHS tapes at the thrift store I'd never heard of before, so I'm hoping to get a couple more gems out of my little pile. I mean, it's not the creepiest thing I've seen, but on a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a solid 7.

In other horror-related news, I ordered Trick 'r Treat last night since everyone here seems to love it so. Amazon actually sent it out today, so hopefully it'll show up and I'll have time to watch it before the end of the month.
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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by noiseredux »

Trick R Treat is fantastic. You're going to love it.

My wife and I did the same thing about a decade ago with VHS. There was one of the last video stores in our area going out of biz and selling all their VHS for $1 each. So we went and raided the horror section. Basically, bought any horror movie we had not seen that day. That huge box lasted us years of surprises. Many bad, but some good stuff mixed in for sure. Plus, even the bad movies would have trailers for cool ones to look out for so it was worth it.

Michi have you sat through Boogyman? Thats one I always get bored and shut off but it has cult classic status.
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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by stickem »

Boogyman has cult status? i turned it off after 30 minutes, boring.

edit: 1980 movie or 2005?
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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by TSTR »

Watched Wes Craven's New Nightmare again with a buddy last night. Low body count, but I love the whole concept of the movie, with the blurring of "reality" and film and the ultra-evil Freddy that, even when wisecracking, is super threatening and scary.

Plus it has that kid from all those 90's movies in it. You know that kid.
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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by noiseredux »

stickem wrote:Boogyman has cult status? i turned it off after 30 minutes, boring.

edit: 1980 movie or 2005?

the 1980 one.

TSTR wrote:Watched Wes Craven's New Nightmare again with a buddy last night. Low body count, but I love the whole concept of the movie, with the blurring of "reality" and film and the ultra-evil Freddy that, even when wisecracking, is super threatening and scary.

Plus it has that kid from all those 90's movies in it. You know that kid.

Yeah I've always thought this one was really cool. Freddy on the talkshow, etc. Plus the whole Gothic/Phantom Of The Opera look. Also, I feel like this one led the way for the movie-in-a-movie thing that he got into with Scream 3.
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Re: Month of Horror V: the Seed of dsheinem & noiseredux

Post by dsheinem »

Been slacking on posting here of late, but the horrorshow continues. I am trying to plow through the first season of American Horror Story (about half way so far), and am generally enjoying the show (a "like" but not yet a "love"). I watched an old Legosi flick (not one of his best) and also watched a documentary which I think it is fair to put on the list, given that it was pretty horrific. On the game front I've been playing both TR games off and on and spent some time with Deathsmiles this morning.


1. White Zombie (1932)
2. The Killer Shrews (1959)
3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
4. I Eat Your Skin (1964)
5. I Drink Your Blood (1970)
6. Creepshow (1982)
7. Hunted: The War Against Gays in Russia (2014)
8. The Corpse Vanishes (1942)

1. American Horror Story, Season 1 (in progress)

1. Typing of the Dead Overkill (in progress)
2. Alien: Isolation (in progress)
3. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (in progress)
4. Deathsmiles (finished)
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