More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

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Re: More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

Post by CRTGAMER »

Great point on the Gamecube small discs having great load times. I read somewhere this was the reason why Nintendo went the small size for their first disc based console. Sometimes the load time is a factor for me also when deciding 3rd party ports, in my case the PS2 due to the HdAdvance hard drive install option.

Great review on Gotcha Force! Forgot how many robots one can "catch them all" collecting aspect of the game. I really wish this game was duel stick action as in Virtua On, but still a fun arena game.

I picked up Tube Slider due to it having the obscure to Nintendo NEC tag, but found the game a little boring when slogging around the tube. The game would have been perfect if it the hovercars had a sideways jet slide mode as the title suggests to keep the forward speed up. Maybe an unlock later on the game?

Nice adding Sponge Bob, I could never figure out in the cartoon why there was a beach when Bikini Bottom is underwater.

Pacman Vs is a great choice, probably the perfect party game that anyone can pickup. I think the Wii Luigi Mansion Nintendo Land even got inspiration from it.

The Gamecube Controller is nice, but I do not care for the click triggers either. I really hate the ridiculous Octagon stops around the sticks. They might help for diagonal moves but a bad trade off when a spin of the stick is needed. I end up using a Duel Shock with a controller adapter because of those horrible segmented stops. Same applies to the Wii Classic Controller, it has the same silly Octagon stops. I use a Duel Shock on it as well with a Mayflash Adapter to play games such as Nights Journey Of Dreams.
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Re: More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

Post by Redifer »

I like the Gamecube controller. Like you said it fits very comfortably in your hands. But it's not perfect. I don't like the L and R triggers. They feel really hollow and have a nasty clunk when pressed all the way down. The Z button is just stupid. I would have preferred a more traditional arrangement of buttons instead of the "Play-Doh from a shotgun" scheme. I would have liked the C-stick to be the same exact design as the regular analog stick. I would like a bigger d-pad as well. But the analog stick on the GC controller is the best ever. It's amazingly precise and super comfortable. Nobody makes better analog sticks than Nintendo.
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Re: More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

Post by Cronozilla »

pierrot wrote:How does the Saturn controller start to hurt your hands? Or for that matter, any official Sony or Sega controller?

I honestly can't think of a controller that "hurts" my hands other than the original NES, or N64 controllers. Plenty of uncomfortable ones, like the Duke/Jaguar controller/2nd Gen console controllers.

... Because our hands are absolutely identical and there's no way they could be physically different?

Most controllers just don't fit the shape of my hands.
After about fifty+ minutes of use, most controllers start to make my hands ache, cramp, or hurt. As far as I can tell, it has mostly to do with where the controller presses into my palm and how curled up my fingers need to be to use it. Or some combination of it. It's pretty exclusive to controllers, too.

Sony controllers make my hands cramp after awhile, absolutely. So do Genesis and Dreamcast controllers. I don't have any Saturn S controllers, so I can't say. And I don't have a master system.

The only controllers that give me immediate discomfort are both Xbox controllers (Duke and Slim). They're both entirely too large for my hands.
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Re: More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

Post by pierrot »

Cronozilla wrote:... Because our hands are absolutely identical and there's no way they could be physically different?

I didn't say that they were, but a lot of Sega controllers, and the Sony controllers are fairly ergonomically designed. Certainly in the case of Saturn and Genesis controllers, at least as well as the SNES pad. I know some people complain about the original genesis pad being too big (although even with little five-year-old's hands, I thought they were a great size) but the 6-button pad, and especially the JP model, are a very comparable shape to the SNES pad. I was just not aware that anything about them could cause physical discomfort. (At least while stationary.)
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Re: More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

Post by Cronozilla »

I know, I was teasing :P

What I've found out about controllers is if my hands have to wrap around it: it'll hurt at some point. Except for the GameCube controller and the SNES controller, mostly because it doesn't sit in my palms, it sits on my fingers, I don't really keep it in the palms, so that's probably why I like it so much.

I'm done derailing.
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Re: More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

Post by oxymoron »

Oddly, I actually like the trigger buttons.
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Re: More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

Post by RCBH928 »

I didn't know the author of those videos was on the forum with us

I do not like the gamecube controller, but once you get your hands on it you forget its awkward design. It works just as goo as any other controller. The D-Pad is too tiny.I am still not sure about the triggers if they have 2 inputs: 1 light push, 2 hard push all the way down. I heard there was a difference in some games.

RE0+1 are not HIDDEN gems. They are system sellers . Yes I would buy the GC for its RE releases (but now I think the PC, PSN, and maybe XLive all got them online? not sure)
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Re: More GameCube Hidden Gems (Part 3)

Post by noiseredux »

that Sponge Bob game looks way better than Gotcha Force. :lol:
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