Your single most *IMPORTANT* game of this generation?

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Post by Mozgus »

Blah blah blah. You're more motivated to defend the game you love, than I am to insult it, considering I also like it. Do you really expect me to repeat myself? That's all you're doing, and because of that, there's no fun to be had here. Fine, everyone in the world agrees with you. Whatever you have to tell yourself.

Why do I always have to be the rational one in every bunch? The only one who sees the grey area? The only one to takes everything in moderation? The one who never lets the general population make the judgements for me? Because it's a character trait that has kept me out of countless bad situations in life, and made me a much stronger person than most people I know. I just happen to apply this trait to even menial activities like video games.

The 2 facts which you cannot argue, no matter how many words you manipulate in an attempt to change the angle of perspective:

1) SC1's soundtrack was of poorer quality then SB or SC2. You continue to deny this, and refuse to listen to my proof. We are speaking of clearity, which is argued on factual basis. We are not speaking on composition, which is argued on the basis of opinion.

2) SC1 was missing many key features which SB had, which we have discussed and you have admitted (and denied the importance of), and SC2 brought most of them back to us due to popular demand, a demand which you continue to say did not exist.

I keep telling you that it's great. Why do you get so upset because I won't call it perfect along side you? I can tell from your wild accusations (like how I don't enjoy old game music), that my comments have created hysteria in your mood, and have unbalanced your concept of rational thought. You're showing all the signs of fanboyism and it's seriously annoying me. Just give it a rest.

How about you just let out your rage and insult Colossus. You won't see me get my panties in such a wad.
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Post by SegaVega »

You might deserve the self praise you've honored yourself with. Especially if you can commit to disregarding certain video games just because they don't retain hit or miss elements or because they acquire acclaim. That's not a trait just anyone possesses.
You're doing yourself an injustice I don't care of. I know you don't agree, you don't think I'm right, and you're equally as tired of this whining, but in between you're doing whats been done in countless moan-fests, and that reach the "it's a character trait that has kept me out of countless bad situations in life, and made me a much stronger person than most people I know." retort. It means you are against the favorable opinion, quite possibly incorrect, that you'll not respond to any of my absolutions (SSBM?) and are most certainly finished.

1)"Clangy". They used a full orchestra. They used instruments from the plausible era and tempo to fit each arena. I've met hundreds of gamers who would trash any item in any title regardless of quality, and I've heard only you complain. I've listened to "the proof", SC soundtrack is only arguably less clear, though you'd be very hard pressed to notice, especially if you're not sitting at the pause screen with your head in the speaker, like it seems someone has to do. It's not important. It's not a damaging flaw. It may not even exist to others. Music is the only core structural accessory that can be removed and still give you a game.

2)Soul Calibur 2 did not bring back the missing elements that Soul Blade had due to popular demand; there was no demand and little insatisfaction with what SC had managed. Weapon select was not validified through it's comeback in SC2, they returned because there was nowhere else to take the gameplay they had refined. What were they supposed to do? New characters alone couldn't outweigh VF4Evo's impressive in-game arcade travel and character customization. Look at SC3, they had to toss in a strategy RPG and the lame character creation they had held off on for longevity as every other game series has done.

And though I won't call it an ace-in-the-hole, it was admittedly an extra novelty, I'll say you must not have played Soul Calibur I so much: It had a weapon select.

Mozgus wrote:Why do you get so upset because I won't call it perfect along side you? I can tell from your wild accusations (like how I don't enjoy old game music), that my comments have created hysteria in your mood, and have unbalanced your concept of rational thought. You're showing all the signs of fanboyism and it's seriously annoying me.

I don't call it perfect. It's as close to perfect as I've seen, and I'll say that's near-flawless. I don't understand how you can deduce an offbeat comment in a perfectly rational explanation (like enjoying sound of all things, heh) to mean mood hysteria. That's clearly you're way of stepping aside from "rational thought" and creating another irrelevant disconnect like the SSBM remark that I've explained to you as incorrect. My "rational thought" has outweighed your empty suggestions, and you care not to comment on that. I don't know where you want to take this discussion, what you want to omit, or neglect, or forget, dismiss, bitch at or otherwise claim, but whatever it my end with, it can never be said that Soul Calibur was not a near-flawless title. What a fighting game entails, it possesses immensely. It satisfies all but a ten thousandth of it's players, you, a blatant BGM obsess with an inkling to bitch being one of them.

To add to your self praise jargon pile: You started complaining completely without warrant, about a perfectly simple, and inoffensive choice of game not directed in anyway at you. I told you what you may have misunderstood and you bitched about super and practically one-of-a-kind-they-may-or-may-not-be-there-or-matter-at-all-things with no relevance to the observant quality from a hardcore or a casual fighting fan. Really. Keep up the good and hospitable work,

If you want to complain about something that "won't get my panties in a wad", tell me what a fanboy I am. I'll tell you how many other games I adore.
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Post by Mozgus »

I'm not going to read your asinine posts. So why don't you just Image
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Post by SegaVega »

Thanks for that very clever suggestion. Haw bout nez time you sta a thread, you don ta bitch abow peepals choiz of game.

Edit: you've met my bold prediction and have been wrong all along
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Post by Mozgus »

lordofduct wrote:So many games on the Dreamcast answer this question for me. But one that pertains directly to me and me alone (well others may have the feeling... but my reasoning is only personal) is that of Phantasy Star Online.

I used to despise Online RPGs for so many reasons. I found them dull and boring and just down right stupid. But when this game came out I ignored the Online aspect and bought it soully because it said Phantasy Star (grew up on the series ya see). Anyways through my adoration for Phantasy Star I actually grew to understand and in some instances enjoy Online MMORPGs.

I plan on buying Phantasy Star Universe this October!
WHO ELSE!? (I want to be able to play with people I actually 'sorta' know. None of my friends will play, I know that much. They all stuck on WoW).

Good choice. The game was perfect for what it was. But I made the mistake of getting into it a year late, when cheating was rampant. I lost about 4 good characters to those asshole NOLers before I had to give up. It really confuses me why people would pay for the game, just so they can go online and destroy other people's accounts and gain nothing from it in the process.

For those who don't know, NOLing was when someone with a gameshark was able to enter your server, freeze up your game permanently, and when you reset, you found your character was replaced by a lvl1 NPC called NOL. All your hard work on your real character is lost forever. It's just heart breaking :(

After that, all the later revisions of PSO had monthly fees, and I just never saw a reason to pay for more abuse. If you were someone who had the time, and dedicated yourself to a clan of people you trust, and play on password protected servers, then I know PSO would have been one of the greatest games ever made. But I was a total noob to the genre and didn't know the risks, so the experience was ruined for me, and I'm still bitter about it because I know what I missed out on.

I did however take part in the PSO4:BB beta. That was fun. But it wasn't $15 a month fun.
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Post by neohx_7 »

Virtual Hydlide... i think
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Post by bawitback »

neohx_7 wrote:Virtual Hydlide... i think

nice one.
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Post by solidunit »

I think Halo ( the first one) could be considered VERY important, because, whether you like FPS's or not, all subsequent FPS's has ripped off some aspect of its design (rechargeable health, 1 or 2 weapons at a time, vehicles, huge open spaces)

I don't think any game in this generation was all that important since everything's been a riff on games from the previous generation (Resident Evil, Mario 64, FF7, etc)
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Post by Mozgus »

solidunit wrote:I think Halo ( the first one) could be considered VERY important, because, whether you like FPS's or not, all subsequent FPS's has ripped off some aspect of its design (rechargeable health, 1 or 2 weapons at a time, vehicles, huge open spaces)

I'm pretty sure Halo did not invent any of those gameplay aspects, dude.
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Re: Your single most *IMPORTANT* game of this generation?

Post by alexkidd »

I know sports games aren't the most popular here, but Fight Night offered the most unique experience of this generation and the only one that was 100% new. Any fan of what Nintendo is doing with the Wii should be a fan of this game. I had always thought the PS2 dual analog pad sucked, but it is PERFECT for this control setup. Simple yet very deep and VERY intuitive. Fight Night also had staggering graphics, but it could have had blocky Virtua Fighter 1 style characters and been just as fun. This game makes you feel more like you are actually throwing punches and playing a sport than any other game has, even the arcade game with motion detection by konami. My "favorite" game of this generation is Skies of Arcadia though, which is actually horribly non-original but took a classic formula and did it as well as it's ever been done.

Mozgus wrote:Out of all the titles for DC, PS2, GC, and Xbox, what single game would you say was the most important to you? What was that one game that completely changed the way you looked at the entire medium? What was that one game that has permanently raised your overall happiness in life, ever so slightly?

Let's try to ignore factors like replay value, and try to just focus on that raw experience you felt on your first trip through the game.

I've been giving this a lot of thought today. I assumed that the title would have to lay within the army of quality games the Dreamcast gave us. But then I felt like the most obvious choice would have to be a Nintendo exclusive. After this, Viewtiful Joe entered my mind, screaming for the vote. That game brought me right back to a particular type of fun which I hadn't experienced so purely in a good 10 years.

But honestly, I have to give it to Shadow of the Colossus, which I've mentioned probably too many times on here already. It's simply perfection. I won't be able to explain why. It just is.

If it weren't for Colossus and Joe, this generation of games would have been steadily fun but still pretty mediocre.
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