Ristar: Together Retro Discussion

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Post by ott0bot »

racketboy wrote:
Rababunny wrote:Would it be possible to get one a week going?

Welcome to the forum!
However, I'm not quite sure what you mean by your last question....

I think he means one Together Retro game a week.
Maybe he's got more free time than I do and is whiping through the games rather quickly. I think the pace is good so far!
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Post by Rababunny »

Yes, sorry, I meant one Together Retro Game per week.

Most of the games have been platformers or arcade style games that can be beat in one sitting, or multiple short ones with save states. Having a new game to play each weekend would be great.
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Post by racketboy »

Well there are a couple reasons that probably won't happen. Marurun outlined them quite well here:
http://www.racketboy.com/forum/viewtopi ... 5172#45172

I am also included in the people that don't have time/attention span to complete them in a one sitting or even a few.
We are looking to have an RPG for our next installment, so that should keep you busy better :)

If other people want to get involved in helping write up posts for the project, that would definitely help us get more flowing.
You just have to remember Marurun, Fastbilly1, myself and others all have day jobs (and I have many other site duties) on top of playing the games ourselves, so we can use all the time/help we can get.
If you are interested, let me know.
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Post by UBERTRON777 »

This game is brilliant. It is definitely on my top ten Genesis games, maybe even top ten of all time. I'm playing it on Sonic Mega Collection and it is working out nicely. Thanks for starting Together Retro, probably would not have played it again if you had not.
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Post by racketboy »

UBERTRON777 wrote:This game is brilliant. It is definitely on my top ten Genesis games, maybe even top ten of all time. I'm playing it on Sonic Mega Collection and it is working out nicely. Thanks for starting Together Retro, probably would not have played it again if you had not.

Awesome. I'd like to get it unlocked on my Mega Collection, but I have to admit I'm enjoying having the real Genesis connected even though Composite video isn't super nice on an HDTV :)
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Post by The Devil Made Flesh »

Couldn't play as much as I wanted to today but got to the second part of planet freon. I'm playing on the ps2 gen. collection and the controls seem a little unresponsive to me. Some parts have frustrated me because Ristar moves so slow compared to enemies. The speed and short jump distance make the platforming less enjoyable than a Sonic or Mario, but the boss battles really make up for it. The fourth boss is my favorite so far.
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Post by videogamerretro »

I thought I would hop into this discussion early (or at least compared to when I joined Kid Icarus).
I've never played this game before, so I was intrigued when the game was picked (I've read good things so far). I fired it up on my XBOX emulated with both NeoGenesis and Xenesis (latest versions of both as of this writing) and everything seems to run fine.
Beautiful graphics and wonderful sound/music make this game a feast for the senses. Love the colors used and the background graphics/animation. The fact swimming deeper makes the world darker is one of those touches that just shows "well thought out design". Once again the XBOX controller's d-pad feels a little loose to me but its not a game stopper, and I'm getting better at the play dynamics.
I only played the game for 15-20 minutes but got quite engrossed in it. The struggle of "run through the level" or "find all the secrets" is very high in this game. So far I've settled on a mix of these two factors. The balance of play seems to be just right, with a nice in-between of challenge and reward (or at least when going after some of the secrets, running straight through a level I believe would be a bit dull).
The enemies are intriguing with their design, though some of the attacks seem a bit rudimentary (then again Ristar can only jump and grab, so that in itself is a little limited). The first boss's attacks were interesting however, with his "wind-leaf" and "glowing crosses" attacks. The fact you need to hit the boss and then hit his little monkey thing after it falls off his back was a nice play dynamic touch. How one comes up with those ideas, I'm not really sure.
I know there is a password option to this game, I see it in game options, but not sure when it comes into play. My guess is you get a password after you beat the second level? (I personally do not remember getting one after beating the first.) Also, it was mentioned there were differences between the Japanese and American versions of this game... what were those? Graphics, music, gameplay, bosses...?
Another great pick for "Together Retro".
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Post by racketboy »

I continue to enjoy Ristar, but as a few people mentioned, it does have some room for improvement in a few areas.
I think Ristar would be a great game for Sega to revisit for a high-res 2D remake on XBLA, WiiWare, and/or PSN. (Kinda like the new 2D Bionic Commando)

If you could modernize the graphics and polish up those areas that need improvement, you could have a killer game.
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Post by 4ppleseed »

I'm finished with this game; was frustrating and I was save stating mid-level towards the end. The controls and general game mechanics of Ristar himself are pretty odd to say the least and took away from what is a beautiful game. Great sound/music and lovely visuals along with some interesting puzzle-lite concepts later on make this game a stand out on the Megadrive but I couldn't help thinking about and comparing this to Super Mario World 2, Yoshi's Island as it was released the same year. SMW2 being a far more accomplished game in pretty much all aspects.

For me there's just not enough originality going on in the design for a 1995 game. I mean water, ice, fire levels etc? Very dated, even by 1995 standards. But after saying all that the Sonic Team charm just shines through and wins me over. It's far from perfect but feels like it's been put so lovingly together you can't but love it too.

Very good Ristar site here:
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Post by Ack »

I'm just really not feeling this title. It's good, I like it, but...I don't know, I guess it's just not for me. Oh well, it's still a good game, and I figure I'm just odd man out as everybody else seems to enjoy it. Have fun guys, I'll be waiting for the next Together Retro title!
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