HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family settings?

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HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family settings?

Post by greg »

Help Request!

A former coworker gave me a 360 a couple of years ago along with several games. I never hooked it up to the internet, but just created my own local user profile named "Greg" and I've been using that this whole time. Eventually I learned how to remove his account from the 360.

I found out in order to do the whole DLC thing I had to create an xbox live account. It gave me errors while trying to do this on the 360, so I did it online. I just forgot about it this whole while. I don't know why I couldn't just make the pre-existing Greg account go active on xbox live. (I really don't get this. Before this, the most recent home console I'd bought was a PS2 back in '04.)

I bought Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate online and it came today. I loaded up using my Greg account. It appeared that everything was ready to go and that I could play. But it said stuff about downloading content, so I tried connecting to my xbox live account I'd created a long time ago but forgot about. I backed out of the game to the OS screen. I chose "download profile" and I finally managed to download the online profile onto my 360. (I was hoping I could have just connected my Greg profile to this online profile... did I miss something?) So then I went back to DOA5 and now it says it won't let me play the game. It says my family settings on my xbox live account won't let me play it. What?

So I am at looking at my profile, and there's no checkbox saying "I'm just a kid under the age of 18." I don't see any family settings. I just see the following:
-Home -Profile -Friends -My Games -Clubs -Trending on Xbox Live -Deals
I can "customize" this but it just lets me change my location and bio. Nothing about my age.

Clicking on "privacy settings" takes me here:
Here it says nothing about wanting to protect my own eyes from DOA boobs. Oh look, it says about "family." Well, if I click on that, it brings me to "Microsoft Family." No, I don't want to create a family. I just wanna play my game! Clicking on "content access" brings me to "Reimagine the family experience." Uh, I don't want a family experience. I just want to play DOA5.

So what the heck? I haven't even played the game yet. I deleted my online account and tried going back to the game using my local Greg account, but it still has everything crossed out and I'm locked out of my own game. It changed something on the internal hard drive and it won't let me play it. I think if I had just tried to play it first before downloading anything, it wouldn't have become screwed up like this.

As for the settings that can be done on the console itself, I have it set to allow any and all games. It still won't work, so it must be something online that I cannot find. This really sucks.

Why can't I just use the existing Greg profile to go online with? Can't I just at least merge Greg with the new xboxlive account I've made? This is exasperating. My Mega Drive Mini doesn't give me this crap.

Please help! Thanks.
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Re: HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family setti

Post by isiolia »

What I'd wonder about is if your coworker had parental settings in place on the console, given that the ability to create Xbox Live accounts (or connect to Live) are things you can limit. Might try signing out of the Live account you made and see if that lets your local account play it then. In theory, you should have been able to "sign in" your local account to XBL and had it create a Live account to connect to, but I've not had to do it myself.

Would likely have been more comprehensive to wipe/reset the console when you got it, unless you were trying to use digital content from the previous owner or something.
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Re: HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family setti

Post by greg »

isiolia wrote:What I'd wonder about is if your coworker had parental settings in place on the console, given that the ability to create Xbox Live accounts (or connect to Live) are things you can limit. Might try signing out of the Live account you made and see if that lets your local account play it then. In theory, you should have been able to "sign in" your local account to XBL and had it create a Live account to connect to, but I've not had to do it myself.

Would likely have been more comprehensive to wipe/reset the console when you got it, unless you were trying to use digital content from the previous owner or something.

Well, I deleted his xbl account after I got it. It took a few months to figure out how to do that. I forgot to mention that after I was locked out of DOA5, I was let into DOA4 just fine (no online content, I guess). Last night I deleted my xbl account, then I deleted the DOA5 data from the Xbox. It let me play the game as my regular Greg account. The Xbox's settings are to allow any and all ratings for games. The problem is when I try to connect it to the XBL account I created.

I had tried using my local Greg account to join XBL, but it gave me an error. A friend told me to just create an XBL account over the web. The problem is online somewhere.

At least I can play the game again, but without the ability to download any extra content (I think Mai from KOF is a DLC character, IIRC).

Maybe I should try contacting (ugh...) Microsoft support. :?
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Re: HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family setti

Post by greg »

Well, today I contacted MS Xbox support and the rep was of no help. She had me even create a brand new account, made sure the date of birth was entered properly, and I then downloaded that new account to my Xbox. It still gives me the same error message about family settings.


But the thing is, content controls are already off.


So in my predicament, the game is completely blocked from me.


This is what I get for not sticking to retro, offline consoles, I guess. This sucks.
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Re: HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family setti

Post by Anapan »

Backup saves and Greg related user data to USB and factory reset. Start from a new XBL account and restore/merge all Greg-like user content into new XBL profile.
Not sure how the "keep my games and apps" setting might affect this. If you have Scott Pilgrim vs the World, you don't want to fully wipe it...
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Re: HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family setti

Post by greg »

Wait... Am I able to merge all gaming data from my local Greg account into a new XBL account?

How do I do a factory reset? I do not know what the previous owner of this Xbox had done to it.

All I have found doing a search for anyone else in my situation was this: ... 5/64175651

I haven't even touched Xbox Marketplace. I don't even know what an online pass is, much less the difference between a gold and silver online pass. Do I need that just to do DLC?

Honestly, I couldn't care less about playing games online. I play games to avoid people, not engage with them. I'm only interested in playing with someone sitting next to me. I'm 43 and a retrogamer at heart. This sort of nonsense isn't impressing me much with new consoles.
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Re: HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family setti

Post by isiolia »

greg wrote:How do I do a factory reset? I do not know what the previous owner of this Xbox had done to it.

There's a set of instructions here that also include backing up content first. Again, the sort of thing that ideally would have been done before handing off the system to you, or before you started using it due to how content is handled on newer consoles. Same as if he was giving you his old iPad or something.

Again, I'd just wonder about remnants of the orginal owner/setup. There are other considerations with the way modern consoles work, like which account Microsoft might see the Xbox being assigned to. You'd want to ensure that the 360 is made your "home" console (their term for primary console). Doing that tends to make licensing simpler, since anything your account owns is able to be used by any user of that console without going online.

Silver/Gold are less different account types as they are states for your XBL account to be in. Silver is just "standard", and in turn, free. It's an ID to sign in with, acquire content licenses, show up on friend lists, all that. Gold is "premium" and paid - the original/core upgrade is for multiplayer, but you also get discounts on some purchases, free games, etc. Not unique to MS at this point - Playstation Plus is similar (and actually required for cloud saves, where MS does that for free), as is Nintendo Switch Online.

It's all a fair bit more complicated than old consoles, sure, but there's also quite a bit more than the devices can (and in turn need to) handle. It's the difference between what an old corded phone can do and a smartphone.
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Re: HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family setti

Post by greg »

isiolia wrote:
greg wrote:There's a set of instructions here that also include backing up content first. Again, the sort of thing that ideally would have been done before handing off the system to you, or before you started using it due to how content is handled on newer consoles. Same as if he was giving you his old iPad or something.

Thanks for the link. I doubt he had any sort of parental controls setup on this console. It had been sitting in a box for a few years, completely unused, and his daughter was maybe not even born at that time. He didn't have an instruction manual to give me. Just the power cables, two controllers, and a stack of games (only about 1/3rd of which were games I'd be interested in). Everything smelled of tobacco too, but that aired out quickly.
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Re: HELP:xbox360 won't let me play my own game. Family setti

Post by greg »

A month later and I've finally gotten around to reformatting my HD and everything. The problem with DOA5 remains. I still am unable to play the game. It still gives me nonsense about my family settings.
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