January's Together Retro theme: Licensed 2D platformers wins

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Which theme for January's Together Retro (Pick 2, pls read 1st post!)

Treasure Box (Treasure games)
Ultimate Play Rare's Games (Rareware games)
The Legend of the Zelda Clones (top-down action adventures)
Licensed to Thrill (Licensed 2D platformers)
Total votes: 54

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January's Together Retro theme: Licensed 2D platformers wins

Post by alienjesus »

Hi all,

I'm suggesting an option for the first Together Retro of 2018. As discussed in the other thread, we're going to make each month be based on a theme, developer or genre this time instead of a single game to try and increase participation.

To try and get the most people possible joining in, I'm going to suggest a few themes I've come up with and I'd love to get you guys to decide which one you'd most want to join in with. The winning vote is what we'll go with!

Here's an explanation of the theme's in the poll above. Please read these before voting. I'm allowing 2 picks per person so you can have a back-up if your pick is the least popular one!

Theme 1: Treasure Box

Description: Treasure is a fantastic video game develop who has made a ton of classic and cult-classic titles over the years. We've covered some of their games in previous Together Retros, but this is the chance to break out some of their lesser known gems as well as the hits.

Possible game suggestions: Gunstar Heroes, Bangai-O, Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, Wario World, Dynamite Headdy, Mischief Makers, Silhouette Mirage, etc.

Theme 2: Ultimate Play Rare's Games

Description: Another theme based on a single developer, this time focused on RareWare (and their prior incarnation Ultimate Play The Game). Rare is obviously best known for Donkey Kong Country and their stellar N64 output, but they have a ton of titles dating way back to the NES and earlier.

Possible games: Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, Goldeneye, Sabre Wulf, Jetpac, Battletoads, Captain Skyhawk, Snake Rattle n Roll

Theme 3: The Legend of the Zelda Clones

Description: This theme involves playing a selection of top-down action adventure titles. They don't have to be zelda clones exactly, as long as they have enough similarities. A lot of hidden gems in this genre outside of the obvious Zelda titles!

Possible games: The Legend of Zelda, StarTropics, Crusader of Centy, Crystalis, The Guardian Legend, Neutopia, Golden Axe Warrior, Golvellius

Theme 4: Licensed to Thrill (2D licensed platformers)

Description: Licensed games often get a bad rap, but there were loads of great ones, especially in the platformer genre. This is you chance to break out the licensed gems and give them the credit they rightfully deserve. This category is also really cheap to buy games for, so that's nice!

Possible games: DuckTales, Little Nemo, Castle of Illusion, Mickey Mania, The Lion King, Aladdin, Cool Spot, Asterix, Tiny Toons Adventures, Batman
Last edited by alienjesus on Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by noiseredux »

wow, AJ. These are great choices. Like.... I'm not even sure what I want to pick now. I feel like all four have options that I'd be excited about. I'm actually going to have to dwell on this a bit haha.
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

I actually went with Licensed 2D platformers.

My daughter would enjoy that, and I have a bunch of unfinished platformers.
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

I'm an idiot and didn't read "pick 2;" I only actually voted for 2D platformers, so if you want to throw another vote on Rare's games, that would have been my second pick.
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by dunpeal2064 »

I keep getting "Submitted form is invalid" when I try to confirm my 2 choices. (Also is happening when I only select one choice)

This is definitely a great selection though, will happily participate whatever the outcome.
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

oh okay I need to learn to read as well..

I love all four of these honestly
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by alienjesus »

I have games I can or would play for all of these categories, so I'm happy with letting this play out whichever way it goes! I tried to pick ideas which covered a decent selection of eras and systems so that people could easily join in.

A lot of these are also easily available on more modern systems too - Treasure games are on Virtual Console and 360 and the likes, Disney Afternoon Collection recently came to PS4 and XBox One, Rare have their XBox One collection too.

If you voted for one instead of 2, just post your second selection in here and I'll add it on when I tally the results. I trust you guys not to rig this, it's not that big a deal :lol:

Same goes for you dunpeal, just post your picks if you're having trouble.
Last edited by alienjesus on Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by noiseredux »

The Treasure month would work pretty well for me as I have Gunstar Heroes, Guardian Heroes, Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun on XBLA already. Though I've already played those games a fair amount each.

Ulra/Rare month would be awesome. I have that Rare Replay collection and have barely scratched the surface of its contents.

The Zelda-clone month is super interesting to me, but I guess I'd have to really think about what options I'd have to play on Xbox One.

The 2D Licensed idea is pretty awesome, and there's lots for me to check out and revisit.

I'll *probably* lean towards Rare and 2D Licensed as my picks.
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by dunpeal2064 »

My picks are Treasure Month and Zelda Clones. Thanks aj :)
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Re: Let's vote on January's Together Retro theme!

Post by alienjesus »

Anyone who submitted once, I've added the option to resubmit your votes so you can easily just go and add the second one.

I'll still be sure to add yours at the end dunpeal!
Last edited by alienjesus on Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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