A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten thread.

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Concerning the Games Beaten thread reviews:

I read every review thoroughly.
I only read some users' reviews thoroughly.
I tl;dr & read the last few sentences of reviews.
I glance over the reviews but barely read them.
I don't read the reviews at all.
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Posting reviews is dumb everyone should stop doing it.
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If you enjoy reviews: I prefer long multi-paragraph reviews.
If you enjoy reviews: I prefer short and sweet reviews.
If you enjoy reviews: I'd rather see a review score than a review.
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I have an opinion not listed as an option, so I'll post a reply instead.
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A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten thread.

Post by Exhuminator »

A poll about your opinion concerning the Games Beaten thread's reviews. Voting allows for 2 votes per user. This is because of the last few review options. If you don't enjoy the reviews, please just use 1 vote in the poll to indicate as such. Thanks.

If anyone wishes to discuss any Games Beaten reviewers, or Games Beaten review related things here, feel free as well.
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by Sarge »

My behavior changes pretty significantly on a case-by-case basis. There are a few users that I will usually read their reviews regardless of interest (but not always). However, the real determinant of whether I give it my full attention is if it is a game that I am interested in, or a game that I have played. Even more so if it is a game that I loved or hated.

For instance, Elkin playing that Barbie game? Yeah... I think I read the first few sentences to figure out why on Earth he would play the game, and promptly moved on. I normally read your stuff, Elkin, but that's a bridge too far. Maybe if I had a daughter...
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

With certain users, I almost always read their thoughts on it and others I will read if it is a game I personally enjoy or it pertains to a genre I like or a game I am interested in playing myself.
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by Markies »

Sarge wrote: However, the real determinant of whether I give it my full attention is if it is a game that I am interested in, or a game that I have played. Even more so if it is a game that I loved or hated.

I try to read every word on every review, but most of the time, I just skip it. Especially if it is game I have never heard of or on a platform that I have no interest in.

For lengths, at first, I was really small and then I started growing. I try to hit that middle ground of not too long, but not too short. I try to do about 4 or 5 paragraphs per review.

I love people putting all that interest in their reviews and I'm grateful for doing it. I'm very impressed on people who can do that especially considering their review is usually buried by the next day.
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by alienjesus »

I admit that I don't ready every review, but I do read every review of a game if it's either one I'm interested in, one I've played (to see how my opinion compares) or is a game I know next to nothing about.

I do also read a good number of reviews of games that meet none of the above conditions, but it depends on time tbh.

I prefer the long and detailed reviews, but the short ones are fine.

I never pay attention to review scores people give.
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

It depends on how much time I have. I usually love reading all the reviews that come out of here, but lately I just don't have nearly as much time to browse the forum as I used to, let alone read multi-paragraph review. Lately I just stick to ones that are either one's I've been considering playing or ones that I've already beaten that I'm interested in how other people felt about. Otherwise I just skim them/read Elkin's verdict of whatever trash-looking game he beat :P

As for the ones I write, I just write until I can't anymore. I like giving as full a picture as possible of a game, even if I know no one here really cares because it's something they ostencibly can't even play (like Youkai Watch Japan-only games, for example). I just like having the record here so I can occasionally point someone else here to read my review. I've done it with some of the Youkai Watch games, for example. As anyone who's read my reviews has probably noticed, I don't use review scores, as I don't think they're very helpful to most people. I give an end "verdict" that applies veeeery generally, but I try to make the review itself detailed and descriptive enough for someone to know if they'd like the game from that description.
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by laurenhiya21 »

I try and read as many reviews as I can, but if there a lot of reviews that I haven't looked at or I'm super tired, then I'll just skim and only fully read the ones that I'm more interested in. I especially like it when the reviews go into a little more depth that just "Best game ever!", because I often look at them to see if I might like to play the game or not. Although if the review is too long, then I have trouble reading it unless it has pictures or headings or something. I think that's just a me thing though :|

As for writing my own reviews, I try to explain as much as I can (assuming that I have the time to do that). My writing skills are rather poor and it takes me a lot of time to write anything, but it's probably good practice for me haha. I've been keeping a Word document with all the reviews that I've written here, and while I'm not sure if the quality is any better, the length of my reviews has definitely increased. My early ones are mostly a small paragraph long, but a lot of my most recent ones are half a page or longer haha. It's getting to be a length document though so I might want to split it up or something.
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by Segata »

If it's huge I ignore it. A paragraph is good enough for me. I also cannot stand a number determining how good all aspects are. I don't hate long reviews,just not in the mood to read them but much prefer them over a number.
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by marurun »

I try to read every review and I prefer longer reviews with more detail, but only if they are well-written. Ultimately quality trumps quantity. If you can write a really good short review but a long one is going to meander too much, by all means give us the short one. If I skip over a review it is probably because it hurts my brain to read it or was just a quick throw-away blurb without much thought behind it.
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Re: A community poll about reviews in the Games Beaten threa

Post by Blu »

I usually take a scan and glimpse for most of the reviews. If it's something I'm particularly interested in playing, I'll read through the entirety of it all. I also appreciate when members use spoiler tags, especially if the game has a story I'm really interested in.
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