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Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:13 pm
by Fragems
First time I beat KH the boss took me forever the second time about a year or so ago I think I beat it on my first go. Hate the flying controls but it seemed a lot easier with whatever strategy I came up with.

Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:18 pm
by Sarge
Definitely made it on the first or second go. Don't remember, honestly, but I definitely didn't spend a ton of time on it.

Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:43 pm
by Xeogred
Hmmm, yeah who am I kidding, I have no interest in KH. Pretty sure all my friends who drool over the series are running on pure miscalculated nostalgia when talking about them.

Heck, I don't even mind the weird Disney mashup fan fiction, I'm just failing to see what's fun about the gameplay. I'll just replay Secret of Mana if I need an ARPG fix. :P

Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:48 pm
by Gunstar Green
BoneSnapDeez wrote:Kingdom Hearts is like terrible fanfiction that somehow became greenlit.

I thought it was weird even for Japan which has no shortage of silly crossovers.

But if the Internet taught me anything it's people love terrible fanfiction.

I only played the first one, thought it was kind of cute, didn't care to take it any further than that.

Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:23 pm
by flash1987
Pretty cynical bunch. I'm not a huge fan but the world's are pretty well put together and I don't really think you guys are the target audience.

Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:40 pm
by BoneSnapDeez
Frankenstein's Monster (Atari 2600)

I'm going to start posting second gen shit because this era is never discussed enough here.

Frankenstein's Monster is a horror-themed platformer from 1983. The goal is to conquer a series of one-screen stages, each of which contains a collectible segment of a wall used to contain the monster.

You're fighting a strict time limit so some strategic thinking is required. Some levels contain shortcuts but taking them can be risky (ie: dropping down a hole onto periodic disappearing platforms). Mercifully, many of the enemies don't harm your character - they just freeze him momentarily and thus slow down progress.

The presentation is the real cause for excitement here. The graphics are fantastic, as are the sound effects and occasional tunes. Also, the game has some semblance of an ending (unique for an Atari title) and, more importantly, one of the best game over screens seen in a video game.

The only weak point here is the jumping mechanics. As expected, the game features what I call "second gen jumping." When you hit the button you move in a fixed arc and can't tweak movements in midair. This means that you really need to memorize where to begin your jumps, especially in the later stages.

Not a perfect game by a long shot, but quirky and unique and worth whipping out every Halloween.

Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:52 am
by ExedExes
Much like Commando Raid, there is treasure to be found in the pre-crash third party gold rush of 2600 games.

WHICH REMINDS ME.....another one!!!!!


The Challenge of Nexar (2600) by Spectravision

Not really bad once you get into it.

Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:23 am
by Fragems
One atari 2600 game that I liked was Air Lock. Game is so short that it's pretty much universally hated by anyone who bought it back in the 2600s glory days though. There is no score system or multiplayer you just simply have to work your way up a tiny sinking sub before it floods while avoiding obstacles. That being said the patterns never change so it's basically spend a minute or two memorizing the enemy movements then running through the game in 30-40 seconds as is required and walla you have just experienced everything the game has to offer. Honestly ET has 100x more replay value :lol: . I'd probably say I like it because it is one of the few Atari 2600 games you can truly "beat".


Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:49 pm
by BoneSnapDeez
Nice recommendations dudes. I'll keep my eye out for both of those.

Re: Randomly recommend an unknown or underrated game.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:56 pm
by prfsnl_gmr
Fragems wrote:Honestly ET has 100x more replay value.

Can I recommend E.T.? Despite its reputation, it is a pretty solid game (assuming you aren't too lazy to learn how to play it).