Games Beaten 2015

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

I'm a slacker and hate buying hardware.

I also have Mario Paint but no mouse.

Hell, my Commodore 16 is mostly unplayable because I don't even own the standard joystick. :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Sarge »

Knocked out Freedom Planet again as Carol. Took me a bit to adjust to her play style, it's a good deal different, especially without the double jump. But I finally figured out (mostly thanks to my brother) that her rapid kick super actually makes her invincible. It makes some things much easier. The last boss run, for the most part, seemed a good deal easier. I ended the game losing around 43 lives, which is about half my first run. And I dropped a good deal more early on while I was adjusting, with the Final Dreadnought stage not stealing nearly as many this time. Probably just my being more prepared. For the record, I did not see a Game Over this run. :)
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by marurun »

OK, this is going to sound selfish, but... Could those of you who are tracking your completions and copying your list forward with every post please make each game title a link to the past post where you reviewed it? I really enjoy reading everyone's brief impressions of the games they are playing, but it's a real pain sometimes to go back through the thread.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Exhuminator »

marurun wrote:but it's a real pain sometimes to go back through the thread.

I understand where you are coming from with that. If you read my reviews, you can click on my sig link. It brings up a list of the games I've beaten from a few years ago up to today. If you click the empty space to the right of each name in the list it will open up and show my stats and review of each game.
prfsnl_gmr wrote:I have a working pair of the SMS 3D glasses. They are actually really awesome.)

Yes they are! Especially Zaxxon 3D is freaking amazing with those in a properly dark room.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by laurenhiya21 »

@Marurun Sure, I can do that for my future posts since I just figured out how :lol:

And I'm not going to add it to my list (since I don't like counting re-beats), but I just recently beat Tales of Xillia again, this time playing as Jude.

Still quite like the game (with fun battles and well-written character development), however, after playing Jude's side, it feels pretty obvious that Millia's side was a bit tacked on. Both sides are supposed to explain their own side of the story, but really you could just play Jude's side and get all the good story/character bits. Millia's side just felt like it was missing some major parts, and the parts that are exclusive to Millia's side aren't really interesting. Plus in the final chapter, Jude gets a nice long cutscene (which I thought was pretty well done) and an interesting starting objective, but Millia gets a smaller, much less interesting cutscene and starts out just walking just "exploring" with no goal in mind.

So that part was a little bit disappointing, but w/e :/ I'm going to be playing Xillia 2 next week, so I guess I'll see how the games compare? (bit unsure how it will go though since I've heard not great things ><)
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by ExedExes »

(now linked for a certain member's convenience! Truth be told, not too difficult with the number of games beaten this year so far)

1. Call of Duty United Offensive Expansion Pack - PC (January 16)
2. Dead To Rights - Gamecube (January 24)
3. River City Ransom EX - GBA (February 21)
4. Call of Duty 2 - PC (February 28) (link missing due to this game's post being wiped during the great RB server move)
5. *NEW* Quake - PC (March 31)

This is more like a re-beat, because I played through this game in the magical summer of 1997. I don't remember if I went through all the episodes or not. As an FPS fan it was nice to return to something so refreshingly simple but still not being a total chore to play, thanks to the awesome DarkPlaces mod, the features to improve graphics and control were a huge plus, and the ability to add a crosshair was very useful. It brought new life to this FPS classic.
Xeogred wrote:The obvious answer is that it's time for the Dreamcast 2.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Anyone play the original Zaxxon? I have it on the 2nd gen trio (Atari 2600 / Intellivision / ColecoVision) but haven't sunk much time into it. May be one to try out later.

Technically I also have an ancient TRS-80 copy as well, but no way to play it.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by J T »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:Anyone play the original Zaxxon? I have it on the 2nd gen trio (Atari 2600 / Intellivision / ColecoVision) but haven't sunk much time into it. May be one to try out later.

I was a Coleco kid in the 80s. I grew up on Zaxxon. I loved it back in the day. It's kind of hard to adapt to the isometric perspective today.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by flojocabron »

I just beat Ninja Gaiden on the Nintendo machine.

I would pull hairs if I had any!

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Key-Glyph »

marurun wrote:OK, this is going to sound selfish, but... Could those of you who are tracking your completions and copying your list forward with every post please make each game title a link to the past post where you reviewed it?
Sure! That's a great idea.

Also, I wanted to share something random with you all. Last night I dreamt I found a Toys R' Us that was still selling new, sealed Sega Genesis games. (Note: were those even shrink-wrapped in real life? I got most of mine second-hand and don't remember.) I picked up a copy of Toejam & Earl, because in this dream there had been a re-release of the game in 1995 that included different graphics and a save function (?!) that I didn't want to pass up. I brought it home, beat it, then logged in here to spread the word about the Toys R' Us and post about my recent completion. The dream ended as I was filling out a new entry in this thread and speculating about the potential lameness of having basically the same game appear in my list three times. :lol:

BogusMeatFactory wrote:If I could powder my copies of shenmue and snort them I would
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